El Cabito: A Cliff Side Bohemian Paradise

Nestled on a secluded cliff edge just a few miles off the main road, El Cabito is more than a former guest house and restaurant – it's a bohemian escape. Accessible only by a rugged 4WD vehicle (or, you can nearly get stuck, like us), this haven once had a legendary status. A testament to its allure is groups of travelers venturing out from the island's far side after being captivated by Anthony Bourdain's televised praise of El Cabito's grilled fish and breathtaking views. Despite suffering some damage from a hurricane the year before, the property's charm has only improved, in my opinion. Weather-worn books, a simple kitchen set up, and achingly beautiful seaside views feel plucked from an Ernest Hemingway book.

Be sure to grab a cold beer, order the fresh seafood paella, and strike up a conversation with the wonderful owner, who is often found behind the pages of a large novel.

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